This lesson is about the Discovery Group. During a meeting the Discovery Bible Study method (DBS) is used. This lesson is all about the why and how of leading a DG. After this lesson you can successfully apply the basic principles of the Discovery Bible Study method in an intercultural group setting.

Watch first the video and answer the questions.

How to help seekers to hear to voice of God from Scripture? (Duration: 5:39).


  1. The first part of the DBS method starts very simple “How was your week?”, followed by questions like: “Where are you grateful for?” and “What is bothering you?”. Why is it so important to ask such kind of questions first?
  2. Give some practical examples how you can make sure that the Bible speaks for itself during the group discussion?

Put into practice

Start practising the DBS method with your group. Make sure that you follow the provided guidelines! (Check out the Toolkit!) It might be helpful to participate in another Discovery Group in your city or country to learn how the method functions in practice.