Knowing and meeting God is the greatest privilege in life. More than anything else we want to put him in the center of all we are and what we are doing. That is why this topic about knowing God is central to building missional communities.


Watch the video which dives into the question: “Who is God”?

This video is available as podcast.

Listen to this lesson on your phone


  1. In measuring your own personal knowledge about God, what can you say about who God is from your own experience?
  2. Apollo Makara talks about the attributes of God. In reflecting on God’s attributes, which attributes attract you and which are difficult for you?  
  3. How would you explain the holiness and wrath of God to a secular person who is interested to know more about God?


In the coming weeks, take your time to meditate and reflect on the question: “Who is God?”

  1. Write down a list of attributes of God. Put the list in your Bible and reflect on them prayerfully.
  2. Set some time aside to study the attributes of God which are difficult for you to grasp or to understand.

Discuss the process with your buddy and encourage each other.