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God at work in the UK

Last September at the Advance conference, I (Adam Martin) was inspired to hear how God is using the Alpha course in all sorts of cultural settings. Once back at our

Personality and prayer

Differences “For real?” She looks at me with big surprised eyes. “Can you react differently? How?” A young lady sits in front of me. Together we talk about what came

Diversity and the Church: The Family of Many Colours

As I listened to Theo Visser talk to Alpha’s Nicky Gumbel in a webinar about how Alpha can be used for intercultural church planting, Nicky spoke so passionately about diversity.

Nicky Gumbel: “The church needs a big back door”

According to Nicky Gumbel, the church needs a big front door, which might be an Alpha course, but also a big back door: church planting!

Introversion and the Church

There are quite a few prejudices about the difference between introversion and extraversion. How does it impact leadership in the church?

Why I believe in house churches

Why do I believe so strongly in house churches? Marcus Rose from Germany shares about a movement of vibrant communities in Europe

Daniela led an Alpha group for the first time

Daniela joined an Alpha team in Rotterdam, organised by Navigators and intercultural church plant LIVE! Erasmus. We asked Daniela about her experiences.

How to lead a friend to Christ?

Is there anything more exciting than seeing that a friend comes to Jesus? It is an incredible experience and something marking.

Five New Testament passages from a Jewish perspective

In discipling new believers and reading with them through the New Testament, it is crucial to point out the Jewish roots of our faith.

Fulfill your ministry

September 26, 2021, 1:40 PM. The Dresden airport and the beautiful houses surrounding it draw near as we prepare for landing.
Christmas intercultural church

How to celebrate Christmas in an intercultural setting?

In the Dutch ICP network, we found out that several ingredients are part of the annual Christmas celebration: images, family time and giving presents.
ALPHA course Sam

Sam started an Alpha course in a rehabilitation centre

The vision to start an Alpha goes back almost a year ago. During the lockdown I asked the Lord "where are you moving?" in prayer before bed.