In the Dutch ICP network, we found out that several ingredients are part of the annual Christmas celebration:

  1. The use of images. Imagination and creativity helps to overcome language barriers.
  2. Christmas is seen as family time among most cultures. To meet each other during the celebration in church is very important.
  3. Christmas is a wonderful time to give presents to each other, in church as well!

We also heard some encouraging stories of how intercultural churches in the network celebrated this special feast in the past:

Christmas in ICF Apeldoorn (Marianne Bronsveld):

“At Christmas, the service is mainly performed by children. We invited our neighborhood, so there are generally many who come from different cultures and do not speak Dutch very well. We observed that everyone is touched when the Christmas story is portrayed by children and teenagers. Besides that, we always organise a meal so we can meet each other. Afterwards, everyone gets a little present, like a candle, some sweets and a postcard of our community.”

Only a few people were allowed to gather together last Christmas. So we decided to invite children, since there was no restrictions for them. The adults watched the celebration together in their living room, so that no one would stay alone. We recorded some videos in advance with plays and songs. We shared the link so people easily could participate in their homes.”

Christmas in GOchurch Stellendam:

In GOchurch, beautiful intercultural Christmas celebrations have been organized for a few years, for Dutch- and Arabic-speaking people. Christmas carols are provided in different languages ​​and from different cultures.


Songs2Serve provides some intercultural worship music, including this Christmas carol:

Yi Ma Nei Li – 以马内利 (Immanuel) –

Here you might find some other intercultural Christmas songs.

Click here to learn more about the Dutch ICP network.

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