We are M4 Intercultural
M4 Intercultural as part of M4 Europe has a special focus on diversity; the inclusion of all cultures within the church. As it is in heaven!
M4 Intercultural would love to support your church plant in becoming more intercultural and in line with your local context.
M4 Intercultural exists to serve and equip national and regional leadership teams to recruit, assess, train, and coach church planters and their team in planting healthy reproducing intercultural churches.
Plant a church
M4 Intercultural helps to offer the M4-Process learning community, where teams in 2 years learn to plant a church. An intercultural edition is being developed, where we are sensitive to intercultural dynamics in the way teams are trained.
Next to that, we have developed a tool that we call ADVANCE!, where in a very simple and organic way a church could be planted.
We believe
the church of the future will be an
intercultural church
We dream of new churches that will model unity and foreshadow God’s plan of a unified bride from every tribe and language and people and nation. Thatis why we want to support a growing movement of disciples of Christ from all ethnicities through intercultural churches. We believe the church of the future will be an intercultural church because our cities will be more and more colorful. Therefore, we would like to plant churches that explicitly reach out to different ethnicities.
Songs2Serve Europe trains the intercultural church plants to worship Jesus together in unity, while expressing their variety in race and tongue so that people can meet God in the language and music of their hearts. Our mission is to make intercultural worship accessible. We are ready to serve by training, coaching and equipping you where you need it.
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We are excited about our website where we build on a collection of songs from many languages and take care for singable translations. Please fill in the contact form and let us know about your church!